7 Move Upper Body Blast - Dumbbell Workout
This spring we're all about helping you Start Fresh with your fitness. It's why we've teamed up with awesome PT's like Taylah Kelly Fitness for some fitspiration during spring and summer.
If you're up for an explosive workout try this Plyo Box Session to really set the legs on fire.
The focus of this workout however is the Shoulders & Triceps. It is set into 4 parts with some rest scheduled between. Be aware, if you haven't trained your upper body in a while, this will tickle the triceps and shoulders for a few days after.
What you'll need - A range of Rubber Hex Dumbbells sizes and an adjustable bench.
Repeat the A Circuit x 3 rounds with 45 rest between each exercise
A1 - DB Rear Delt Y Raise x 15
Be sure not to over arch your lower back
A2 - DB Rear Delt Fly x 15
Aim to keep a neutral spine and not 'throw' the weight.
Repeat Circuit B x 3 rounds with 45 rest between each exercise
B1 - DB lateral raise x 12-15
Focus on form here not weight
B2 - DB shoulder press x 8-10
Use an adjustable bench to support your back
Repeat circuit C x 3 rounds with 45 rest between each exercise
C1 - alternating front raise 1-5 (increasing reps each side until you reach 5 each side)
Again, control here is important, do not throw the weight.
Repeat D Circuit x 3 rounds with 45 rest between each exercise
D1 - DB Tricep extension x 15
Keep the elbows close to the forehead
D2 - DB Tricep kickbacks x 12 each side
Maintain neutral spine, focus on form not weight lifted.
One of the reasons we love a workout like this is that you don't need much equipment in your home gym setup to give yourself a solid workout. If you're looking for more workout inspiration check out the links below.
The High Calorie Burning Workout You Shouldn't Skip
Get Super Fit Thanks To This Plyo Box Workout
The Strength & Conditioning Coaches Secret Weapon
Happy training!

Simon has a Bachelor of Human Movement, is a certified FMS trainer and has worked in the fitness industry since 2003. Simon started his fitness journey as a trainer with iNform Health and Fitness before moving into commercial radio and then back into fitness with Bodyism in the United Kingdom and Australia. A career highlight was being one of Daisy Ridley's personal trainers on Star Wars IX - The Rise Of Skywalker.