Thank You For Subscribing
Thanks so much for joining the team at Fitness Warehouse.
Please check your email to confirm your subscription.
In addition, we just wanted to take a second to say hello and welcome you to our community.
Seriously, we want you to know that we’re truly excited and grateful that you decided to join us…
On this page:
• What you can expect from us
• How to make sure that you’re getting our emails
• Our social links
• How you can help us to beat the algorithm

Here’s what you can expect from us…
Over the next week we are going to be sharing with you some of our best tips for getting fit from the comfort of your own home!
Beyond that, we publish fresh articles on our Warehouse Of Knowledge blog, once a new article is live we’ll send you an email to let you know your next lunchtime read is ready.
In addition, from time to time we run special promotions and you’ll be the first to know about them.
Sound good?
Here's what you need to do now to get started…

STEP 1: Make sure you're getting our emails!
What does this mean? It helps if you whitelist and prioritise all emails from ""...
This is important!
If our emails aren't getting through, you'll miss all of the important updates, tips and tricks that we send to our club members.
So please take the following simple actions to make sure nothing slips through the cracks:
1) Follow the whitelisting instructions for your email provider at this page:
2) If you are a Gmail user or you use any other web-based email that filters broadcasts away from your main inbox, be sure to "drag" any emails from Fitness Warehouse into your Priority Inbox. (Again, you don't want to miss something.)
3) Create a special “Fitness Warehouse” folder where you can archive emails from us AFTER you have read them. This is important… DO NOT setup filters to automatically direct our emails into these folders, or again, you are likely to miss something. Simply move them manually to the folder after the information in the email has been consumed.

STEP 2: Let's get social...
Take two-seconds and follow us onFacebook, Instagram and YouTube, as these are our primary methods of communication outside of email updates, and again, to paraphrase Aerosmith - “You won't want to miss a thing”.
STEP 3: Help us to beat the algorithm!
Email servers can be very picky and so sometimes when we send you an email it can get trapped inside a spam filter. Another way for you to help us beat the algorithm is to simply respond to our emails.
So hit the reply button and let us know what you want to get out of being in our club?
Is it to know about our awesome warehouse pricing?
Do you want to know when a new product has arrived or are you keen to learn more about your fitness and wellness?
There is no right or wrong answer, your information is confidential and it will never be sold or shared to any third parties.
That’s it
We hope that you love being part of the club and look forward to sharing more news, tips and workouts with you about home fitness equipment.
Happy shopping!
P.S. The next few days are gonna feel like Christmas...
Because as an added bonus for subscribing, we’re going to be sending you some of our best information on how to create a healthy body for a long and happy life.
Guess what? It doesn’t involve any burpees!
Tomorrow you’re going to get the first of the “big three”.
It’s about some “quick wins” for your health and wellness.
Stay tuned… it’s gonna be good.