Warehouse Of Knowledge Blog

7 Dynamic Exercises To Do Before Running
As you know, we're asking this year 'Which Fit Are You In 2022? If you're looking to get Cardio Fit these 7 exercises are really going to help. Now, as...

Which is better for your cardiovascular wellness? Bike or Treadmill?
Do you ever feel like you can't win when it comes to your health and wellness? You want to get fit, but don't know which type of exercise is best...

5 ways to break the boredom on a treadmill
There’s plenty of reasons why having a treadmill at home is awesome, you can start at your own level of fitness, it's available 24/7 - 365 days a year, it’s...

Treadmill Buyers Guide
Did you know that the best predictor for the longevity of your life is your level of aerobic fitness? Simply put, if you want to live longer, get walking, jogging...

Treadmill vs Exercise Bike - Which one will get you more results?
Find out once and for all which piece of equipment is better for you. This infographic will explain the benefits and disadvantages of a treadmill and exercise bike and will...

Treadmill Oil - The do’s and don'ts of lubricating your treadmill
Buying a treadmill is a big investment and the simple act of oiling your treadmill regularly will save you a small fortune in the long run. Pun intended. Thankfully, the...

Thinking About A Home Gym Setup? Here's what you need to know!
Creating your own home gym gives you more access to the one thing we all crave. You’re own time. Therefore, it is possibly one of the best investments you can...

5 reasons to love your Treadmill at home
A home training set up is such a great escape from the world around us, especially in 2020. Whether you're starting the process of setting up a home gym or...