Is the Schwinn AD8 the best airdyne out there?
The Schwinn AD8 is the Rolls Royce of Air Bikes and has a worthy place in any Crossfit box or HIIT gym or home set up. In comparison to other air bikes the Schwinn is belt driven and not chain driven. What does that mean for you as the end user? A smoother ride, and you'll notice that the moment you start to ride this well crafted piece of fitness equipment.
Smooth Ride:
That smoothness is what sets this Assault bike apart from everyone else, the next thing is how strong and how solid this bike feels. Have you ever used an air or assault bike and the thing feels like its about to take off or fall apart? Not with this bike, it’s built to last. A great thing to note about the AD8 if you’re planning on using it at home is how quiet it is and there’s also an optional air diverter as well.
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The build is a great fusion of metal and heavy duty plastic, so where they have used plastic, it still feels strong and durable. In line with that, the handles are heavy duty, with multiple grip options, which feel good on the hnds even when using chalk for those harder Cross Fit workouts. The multiple grip option is a huge point of difference when it comes to the AD8.
Console:The next thing to love about the Schwinn AD8 is the console, it’s big, it’s easy to use and there’s good presets in there for intervals as well. Which is what you want out of a console. Once you get accustomed to the controls you can really take the guess work out of your sessions and get going quickly.
Overall:I give this bike 4.5 warehouses out of 5! Great for intervals, cross fit and tabata style training. If you’re a commercial gym owner looking for gym equipment that will stand repeated workout use, this is the bike for you. If you’re looking to take home workouts to the next level the Schwinn AD8 slots perfectly into that home gym setup.