Warehouse Of Knowledge Blog

What are 2 common mistakes people make in pre-season training?
At this time of year many winter sports teams are entering pre-season training for the 2022 season. As proud fitness equipment partners for Adelaide United and with the Izuzu Ute A...

7 Battle Rope Exercises to Transform Your Body
The sight of Battle Ropes lying on the gym floor or in your friends garage gym is enough to send people running for the hills. Funnily enough running to the...

Plyo Box Buyers Guide
Plyo Boxes are a super versatile piece of gym equipment, not to mention you’ll feel pretty badass using one. You can use plyo boxes for a wide variety of exercises and to...

Top 3 Oar-some benefits of rowing machines
Top 3 Oar-some benefits of rowing machines We could list endles reasons on why we love rowing machines at Fitness Warehouse, to save you reading time here's 3 of our...

Top 3 fitness education institutions we recommend to kick-start your career
Thinking of starting a career in the fitness industry? In the last five years, the fitness sector in Australia has boomed into a $3bn industry with more people than every...

5 ways to break the boredom on a treadmill
There’s plenty of reasons why having a treadmill at home is awesome, you can start at your own level of fitness, it's available 24/7 - 365 days a year, it’s...

Treadmill Buyers Guide
Did you know that the best predictor for the longevity of your life is your level of aerobic fitness? Simply put, if you want to live longer, get walking, jogging...

7 Reasons Why Your Home Gym Should Have A VKR
A Vertical Knee Raise (VKR) also known as a Power Tower is a super efficient peice of gym equipment to have in your home setup. On a VKR there's only...

Should You Use A Barbell Pad?
Should You Use A Barbell Pad? Barbell pads are a simple piece of gym equipment made from high denisy EVA foam. They've gained popularity over the last decade, should you...